The True Crime Novel: Another Mystery Subgenre?
The true crime subgenre is presented as a nonfiction account of a real crime. The emphasis is on the facts: the chronology of events ...
The Legal Thriller
Another subgenre of mystery fiction is the legal thriller. This type of story focuses on the investigation of a crime, the courtroom...
Premium Urban Real Estate, Roman Style
In “The Black Pearl,” a story in The Deadliest Returns, Miriam and Judah, as honored guests of the city of Ephesus, were treated to an...
The Square Agora
In “The Black Pearl,” the third story in The Deadliest Returns, Miriam and her husband Judah sail to Ephesus to return the black pearl...
True Crime, Another Mystery Subgenre
I’ve already posted accounts of some of the mystery subgenres: the cozy, noir, psychological thriller, and historical mystery. True crime...
A Roman Incense Burner
In The Deadliest Hate, Miriam searches for her brother in the hypogeum, the labyrinth of tunnels below the gladiatorial arena. First, she...
Black Pearls
“The Black Pearl” is a novelette in my latest collection of Miriam bat Isaac stories, The Deadliest Returns. The story is about Miriam’s...
Do You Have An Idea For A Novel?
If you feel passionate about an idea, you may have what it takes to write a novel. Better yet, can you sustain that interest over time?...
A Street Brawl
In “The Bodyguard,” a novelette in the latest Miriam bat Isaac book, The Deadliest Returns, Binyamin, Miriam’s twin brother and erstwhile...
Startling Miriam
Geckos are reptiles found on all the continents except Antarctica. These colorful lizards have adapted to habitats from rainforests to...