The Sand Martin
In The Deadliest Lie , the first book in the Miriam bat Isaac Mystery Series, Miriam sees sand martins in flight as she accompanies her...

Who Was This Man?
His mother called him “a monstrosity of a human being, one that Nature began and never finished”, and if he dozed off during dinner...

Where is Miriam Racing?
The familiar landmarks streaked by as I raced like a runner in the pentathlon. I sprinted into the teeth of the sea breeze, its grit...

Signing the Oath
One reason someone like Binyamin, Miriam’s brother, might volunteer is for the thrill of living on the edge and becoming a popular...

Ditching The Murder Weapon
I took back my dagger, now as loathsome as a serpent, slid it into my sheath, and wiped my hands inside the skirt of my tunic. My eyes...

The Sicarii, a Splinter Group of the Zealots
In The Deadliest Hate, Miriam learns of the Sicarii from her cousin Eli on his ship to Caesarea. He explains: Another threat to Roman...

Elderberry Tea
In The Deadliest Hate , Phoebe rushes into Miriam’s sitting room with a letter from a goldsmith’s shop in Caesarea. Miriam explains: ...

Clouds As Ancient Symbols
In The Deadliest Hate , the second novel in the Miriam bat Isaac Mystery Series, Miriam heads to Caesarea aboard her cousin’s ship. She...

Read June's short story published in Gargoyle: "The Confession".
Is the man sentenced to crucifixion really guilty of killing the sandal maker, or because he is lame, was he simply too slow in leaving...

The Greatest Roman Extravaganza
In The Deadliest Hate , Miriam tells us what it was like to go to the games: What a sight! Thousands filled the four tiers of the...