Lucanica, An Ancient Roman Sausage From Lucania
When Miriam’s twin brother, Binyamin, returns to Alexandria in “The Bodyguard”, he can’t resist going to the games. And so, he takes...

Enjoy the Fun
When Binyamin returns to Alexandra in “The Bodyguard”, he has to keep his identity a secret. He exploited the benefits of being declared...

Who Were The Soothsayers?
In “The Bodyguard”, the first novelette in The Deadliest Returns, Miriam is shocked to find that her twin brother has returned to...

Zosimos the Alchemist
Zosimos of Panopolis was a Greco-Egyptian alchemist and Gnostic mystic who lived at the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th century...

Recognizing a Liar
Returning, whether it means going back or giving back, is never easy, at least not in this volume of three Miriam bat Isaac novelettes....

The Muses
In “Revenge”, a tale in The Deadliest Deceptions about the bizarre deaths of two cousins, Miriam goes to Alexandria’s renowned medical...

King Cyrus The Great Of Persia
The Deadliest Fever, the fourth book in the Miriam bat Isaac Series, is about recovering the gems stolen from the mantle that clothes the...

Between Scylla and Charybdis
This 1575 Italian fresco shows Miriam on the horns of a dilemma: Should she marry the man her tyrannical father has picked out for her or...

The Cries of the Wheeling Gulls
In “The Guest”, a story in The Deadliest Deceptions, Miriam is moved by the gulls as she and her new friend rush to the harbor to stop a...

The Murderous Guest
The word pergola comes from the Latin word pergola, meaning a projecting eave. Now it refers to a booth-like structure often attached to...