More About Stentors

The bodies of these fresh water, one-celled animals are horn-shaped when attached to other organisms. Accordingly, they have been associated with Stentor, Homer’s Greek herald with a voice as loud as fifty men. Otherwise, when swimming freely, they are pea-shaped or globular.
As a biology teacher, I enjoyed having my students watch stentors. Because these creatures can reach several millimeters in length—they’re among the largest of single-celled animals—they’re easy to spot even for beginners. Secondly, they’re easily available in local ponds in the spring.
Moreover, they amuse me. As a biology student I enjoyed the metaphors scientists borrowed from Latin and Greek to identify the names and parts of plants and animals. For example, I last wrote a blog about the word “cloaca”, which in Latin means sewer. In biology, a cloaca is the common opening for defecation, urination, and breeding in birds and reptiles. “Stentor” is another metaphoric term.
I think learning the ancient meanings of these words helps students master the language of biology. Similarly, reading my Miriam bat Isaac stories helps those who want to master the art and science of detection. Start with the first book in the series by clicking here.