Grooming With A Pumice Stone

In The Deadliest Lie, Miriam explains how her maids groomed her before seeing Judah:
I remember asking the maids to take extra care with my grooming that morning as if my appearance could distract Judah from the missing scrolls. They bathed me, rubbed my face with a pumice stone to remove the stray hairs around my eyebrows and upper lip, and anointed me with Arabian fragrances. While I watched in a polished bronze mirror, one plaited my hair with ribbons to make a braided crown that she fixed in place with beaded pins. The other heated a metal rod and holding it by its wooden handle, wrapped locks of hair around it to set a row of screw curls across my forehead.
A pumice stone is still used today for hair removal because of its texture. The stone is formed when lava cools quickly after a volcanic eruption, trapping air bubbles inside the stone and giving it a coarse texture. When rubbed against the skin, hairs get caught in the tiny holes and get pulled out in the process. The best pumice stones to use are those with the smallest holes because they are least likely to irritate the skin.
In Miriam’s time like today, much attention to grooming was paid to a woman’s hair. Aside from hair removal, elaborate styles were fixed in place with fancy pins, and curling irons were used as they are today. But you don’t have to fix your hair to read a copy of The Deadliest Lie or any other Miriam bat Isaac story. All you have to do is click here.