Can you imagine this scene without dialogue?
On July 27, BookDaily.com featured my blog on writing effective dialogue. http://www.bookdaily.com/authorresource/blog/post/1697330...

How did Egypt become the personal property of the emperor?
Egypt became the personal property of the emperor of Rome following the Battle of Actium on September 2, 31 BCE, the decisive...

Are you insulted? Don’t be. When asked why he bathed once a day, a Roman emperor replied, "Because I do not have the time to bathe twice...

The Appian Way
Binyamin, outfitted with a mule and carriage, traveled the length of the oldest span of the Appian Way, the approximately 130-mile course...

Take a walk along the Appian Way
In THE DEADLIEST LIE, Binyamin, Miriam bat Isaac’s twin brother, has dreams of becoming a gladiator. And so he travels from Alexandria,...

Can you Afford the Tuition?
In The Deadliest Lie, Miriam bat Isaac’s twin brother Binyamin sails to Rome and then treks along the Appian Way to Capua to enroll in...

Why didn’t the alchemists realize the “gold” they made was bogus?
Two hundred and fifty years before Miriam bat Isaac’s time, Archimedes proved that King Hiero’s crown could not possibly be pure gold but...

Insight into the Ancient Art of Alchemy
The word “papyrus” can refer to the plant, Cyperus papyrus; to the thin, paper-like material made from the plant; or to a particular...

Miriam pinpoints the provenance of an alchemical document by the quality of its papyrus
Papyrus is a thin paper-like material made from the triangular stem of the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus, a wetland sedge once growing...

Are you an emerging author? BookDaily.com featured my blog on May 26, 2015
http://www.bookdaily.com/authorresource/blog/post/1664436 Unique Ways to Land an Agent So your manuscript is finished! As an emerging...