Come visit Miriam in first century CE Alexandria.

Come to Miriam’s Alexandria, a first century city second only to Rome.

Venture with Miriam into the claustrophobic underbelly of Alexandria at night.

Come visit Miriam in first century CE Alexandria.

Mystery Series

June Trop
Welcomes you to

What was the deadliest sport?
Listen to June on CHAT AND SPIN radio
Rescheduled To: Tues, Oct 19 at 1:00 PM

The Preaching of Saint Paul at Ephesus,
Eustache Le Sueur, 1649

Death of Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini

Herostratus burned down the Temple of Artemis on July 21, 356 BC

Pharos Lighthouse, the iconic landmark of Ancient Alexandria, was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Travel costume: A chlamys and a broad-brimmed hat
Travel costume: A chlamys and a broad-brimmed hat

Yvonne Mason, host of OFF THE CHAIN for
BlogTalk Radio

How did the Egyptians remove the brain for mummification?

A caliga (Latin) refers to a Roman soldier’s heavy-soled hobnailed boot.
Lemon verbena Aloysia citrodora ©Tato Grasso

Aletheia, the personified spirit of truth and sincerity

A symbol carved in stone points the way to the brothel (Picture: Barry Beattie/REX/Shutterstock).

A side street outside the West Gate of the agora

The Saluki hound that attacks Miriam

Cerberus, the monstrous three-headed dog

How well do you remember the trivia
in the Miriam bat Isaac Series?
Asclepius with his serpent-entwined staff
© M. F. Mehnert

On sale in Harrods: Herring kippered by smoking and salting turns a reddish-brown.

The main routes of the Silk Road during Miriam’s time. The maritime routes are in blue; the overland routes, in red.
Miriam’s twin brother, Binyamin, is the gladiator on the right, ready to trap his opponent with the net and move in with his trident.

The James B. Hunt Library at NCSU, Raleigh

Don’t miss this perfect winter read!

A love scene captured in a first-century Roman mosaic
Miriam’s twin brother, Binyamin, is the gladiator on the right, ready to trap his opponent with the net and move in with his trident.

Façade of the reconstructed Stoa of Attalos, which houses the Museum of the Ancient Agora in AThens
If a woman’s personal slaves were industrious and compliant, they could hope for a manumission.

Tychon fights in the arena after being condemned for murdering a tax collector.

a masculine tunic worn by workers to free their right arm
Juvenal in his Satire 6 portrays Eppia as a shameless woman.

The long-established practice of the Greeks abandoning their infant daughters re-surfaced in first-century CE Egypt as a symptom of their hardship under the Roman occupation.

The perennial rosemary was used as an ornamental shrub in Alexandria.

The common people of the first-century CE Roman Empire ate a varied and healthful diet.

A Roman bride wore a long white or off-white tunic with a brightly colored, full-length veil to confuse the evil spirits.

Ancient dentists knew how to create a bridge to replace missing teeth.

Flying by the Seat of Your Pants © Shena Tschofen

Painting of roses by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, famous for his depictions of the luxury and decadence of the Roman Empire.
Egyptian perfume makers

A Roman Engagement Ring

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These personal hygiene sticks prove that in addition to tea, silk, and spices, infectious diseases were carried along China’s Silk Road.

A model of a 6000-year-old Egyptian lock

Map of Israel showing Capernaum, a first-century CE fishing village on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee
The impluvium or pool in the atrium of a Greek or Roman home received its water through the compluvium, the opening in the roof that lets in light and rain.

In the Hebrew language, the word “beard” comes from the same root as “to become old.”
Alexandria’s Great Library

The ten major categories of knowledge in the Dewey Decimal System

Looking south at the fertile fields of the Plain of Sharon with the Mediterranean Sea to the west.

Green bottle flies are the first to find a decomposing corpse.

An astrological map of the zodiac

Inside one of the many multi-chambered tombs in the necropolis.

In the Near East, Ficus sycomorus is an orchard and ornamental tree with wide-spread branches affording abundant shade.

© Antonio Fajardo i López
Pronounced mah-NOOR-ree, this very white cheese is made from the whey of the milk from a sheep or goat.

Callimachus, the first scholar to organize the holdings of the Great Library of Alexandria.

Floating lotus blossoms decorating the water garden in a Roman-style home © T. Voekler

Ignaz Semmelweis discovered the cause of childbed fever

Miriam is in her study when she hears the frantic knocks at her front door.

The Amazing Kreskin reviews THE DEADLIEST THIEF

Graffiti on a New York City subway car in 1973

The gems Bion found in
THE DEADLIEST THIEF weighed several librae.

The Deadliest Lie is one of nine historical mysteries Wiki Ezvid selected as riveting

Stir fried lotus “root” with sugar snap peas
Why has the last surviving jewel thief from the Temple of Artemis kidnapped Phoebe? And can Miriam find her before it’s too late?

"Christ Cleansing a Leper",
a painting by Jean-Marie Melchior Doze, 1864

This species of milkweed is native to the coastal plain of eastern United States

These Roman fired clay bricks were stronger and more varied than their mudbricks.
Men and women dying fabrics in a textile factory
Fresco on the wall of a home in Pompeii

Greek physicians had to earn the family’s trust in order to approach the patient.

Reed pens (the three on the left) were eventually replaced by quill pens (the three on the right) because quill pens retained their point longer.

Fresco on the wall of a home in Pompeii

first century Roman glass goblet

I’ve cut off the bottom of this photo to remove any clue as to where this sign stands.

A first century CE Egyptian sphinx

How the Warner Brothers studio in Leavesden, UK imagined a 15th century alchemical laboratory for the film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Roman couch and footstool with bone carvings and glass inlays
(1st—2nd century CE)

Available in paperback and e-book

Nigel Bird’s Sea Minor

During the first century CE, wealthy Romans displayed their refinement with extravagantly decorated silver cups like these.

Lady Liberty is wearing a stola, the traditional garment of Roman married women.

Examining its proportions was one of the few ways the ancients had to verify or challenge the identity of a body.

A fresco uncovered in a tavern in Pompeii shows patrons gambling in the back room.

Available in paperback and e-book.

Relief of Menander seated with masks from his comedies

The Romans designed the curule chair for officials so they wouldn’t sit too long.

The word pomegranate is of French origin and means “seeded apple", most likely because each fruit contains over 800 seeds.

An early depiction of the Hebrew Bible translated into Greek as the Septuagint. Photo by Xerones

This salt cellar, a gift to the Hapsburgs, was sculpted by Benvenuto Cellini. Today it is insured for $60,000,000. ©Jononmac46

Aristotle (on the left) tutoring Alexander, a painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1895)

The Empire of Flora, a 1743 painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, depicts the festival of Floralia in which prostitutes stripped and danced erotically.

The Romans designed the curule chair for officials so they wouldn’t sit too long.

Osiris is portrayed as a mummified pharaoh. He wears his feathered white crown with red ostrich feathers on the side, and he holds a crook and flail, tools of a pharaoh. Osiris had green skin, symbolizing rebirth to the Egyptians.

Among the 80 thermopolia found in Pompeii, this is the first to have been completely excavated.
The Deadliest Lie, the first book in the Miriam bat Isaac Series, has been named one of the most riveting mysteries set in the distant past.

The Columella Salad, named for its author, Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella, was created in the first century CE. Full of scrumptious, fresh ingredients, this salad is light, tasty, and ancient.

Ron Clark of Chat and Spin radio interviewed June on April 18, 2021.

© Howard Moore

Ron Clark interviewed June again on July 19 about her Miriam bat Isaac Mystery Series.

The Radiant Publishing House Book Fair was held at Popp Park, 3182 Route 208, Wallkill, NY.

Salt evaporation ponds (also called salterns, salt works, or salt pans) are found all over the world.
Socrates teaching Pericles by Nicolas Guibal (1780) note italics for the title of the painting

A spider builds its web with silk secreted from the spinneret glands at the tip of its abdomen.

A double-leaved wax tablet and Roman stylus
June introduced the crowd to Miriam bat Issac at the Walkill, NY Book Fair

A Roman banquet
June came to Washington, UK
on August 21, 2021

A citharode, a professional performer playing the cithara

Hippocrates examining a child, a painting by Robert Thom (1950's)

A specialist is inserting a nucleus bead into an oyster at a contemporary oyster farm at Halong Bay, Vietnam.

June was featured as a local author on September 25, 2021

The Albany, New York Book Festival
Ron Clark of Chat and Spin radio interviewed June on October 18, 2021.